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Capt. Gregory Gunther, P.E.


I started my engineering career in the Air Force where I did project management and leadership.  I left when I got tired of Iraq and found a position with a pipeline firm as a pipeline engineer.  I had to leave for a couple months for medical reasons, and haven't been able to find a job for 3 years now.
The Air Force wanted me to have a Masters, so I got an MBA (the only thing I could find where I didn't have a final in the middle of moving or deploying to Iraq).  The pipeline wanted me to have a PMP, so I got that in 2016 I think.  I've always wanted a PE, so I got that while looking for work.  I got a lean six sigma green belt and took a Revit course while looking around for more credentials to make me more marketable.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
