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Mr. Ignacio Arzuaga Garcia, Ph.D., Ing.


Civil engineer graduate (BS at University of Buenos Aires, 2013; SM at MIT, 2018) with comprehensive experience in the Structural Engineering industry, and in researching labor on geomechanics at MIT CEE Rock Mechanics’ group led by Prof. Einstein. Expertise in tools related to computational mechanics (NASTRAN and ABAQUS), and in laboratory mechanical tests (strain-controlled testing on rock specimens with hydraulic pressurization).

Teaching experience as an assistant in courses related to the strength of materials and structural analysis at the Catholic University of Argentina, including collaboration with fluids mechanics simulations in a flood control researching project.

Highly concerned about the energetic issue and the impact of technology on education. Board member of the MIT Mining Oil and Gas Club (MOG). Co-founder and director of the Bolivian-Argentine educational initiative “Tu Beca” (Your Scholarship), which aims to promote and facilitate scholarship opportunities for graduate education abroad among South Americans professionals in vulnerable conditions.