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Miss Emily Schultz, P.E., M.ASCE


May 2017 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison; completed my Bachelor's degree in Biological Systems Engineering with an emphasis in Structural Systems Engineering. My first role out of school was as a General Construction Project Engineer with ACS out of Madison, WI, where I spent majority of my time in site superintendent and project management support roles on different job sites across the Midwest.  During my time in this role, I gained the experience needed to pursue and attain my PE license in the state of WI. Life changes brought me to Dubuque, IA where I accepted my current role as a facilities engineer with John Deere.  I now manage projects to maintain and improve upon the 4 million square foot factory and operations for the product lines built here at DubuqueWorks.  I seek opportunity to continue to grow and expand on my skill sets and knowledge base to contribute to the ever growing/changing profession of engeering.

In my free time, I love to travel, working in trips to visit family and friends.  Hiking and spending time outdoors is also high on my list.  I'm currently working to visit all the National Parks across the US, as well as experiencing different cultures and traditions with international travel.  My biggest hiking trip has been a 4-day backpacking trip down into the Grand Canyon.