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Mr. Christopher Dzidek, P.E., M.ASCE

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Mr. Christopher Dzidek, P.E., M.ASCE

My Content

1 to 7 of 7 total
Posted By Christopher Dzidek 01-12-2023 12:40 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Heidi, I would say that some of the standard questions can be useful to try and get a sense for how candidates have and would handle tasks or problems. Maybe instead of "a time you overcame a challenge", try giving them a scenario and ask them how they would respond or act in a given situation. For ...
Posted By Christopher Dzidek 01-06-2022 09:31 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Past few years I made my New Years resolutions somewhat ambitious and long. I try to break them up into two categories; personal or professional. In the personal category are things like reading more books, cutting out alcohol, de-cluttering my house among others. As for professional, I'm hoping to learn ...
Posted By Christopher Dzidek 06-24-2021 09:36 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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There is an amazing TED you can find on YouTube called "Death by Power Point". It's funny but very enlightening. I go back and rewatch it from time to time because they make great points and it's a quick refresher if you haven't given a presentation in a while. ------------------------------ Christopher ...
Posted By Christopher Dzidek 10-16-2020 08:39 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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This may be a bit of an outdated question seeing as majority of things now are done digitally, but curious to see what peoples color ink choices are when signing or sealing documents? Most office supply closets/drawers have the the usual black, blue, red pens. Anyone go out of there way for a different ...
Posted By Christopher Dzidek 07-17-2020 08:51 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Short answer; no. When I took the exam i was an edition behind. Just need to know that the chapters move around if you take a class to prepare. I'd recommend printing out the appendix for your edition and having that with you at the exam. ------------------------------ Christopher Dzidek P.E., M.ASCE ...
Posted By Christopher Dzidek 01-31-2019 10:53 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Trying to land an internship your freshman year can be quite difficult to do. There are many more people in there Junior or even Senior year trying to do the same. I would recommend, like the other individuals have, is to join a professional society and actively participate. Take advantage of career ...
Posted By Christopher Dzidek 01-28-2019 08:26 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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The advice I was given, and believe worked for me, was to get an internship or entry level job position first. This way there is time to not only see if you enjoy this type of work or field and also gives you more insight into what the industry needs or is moving towards. It is then you would have more ...