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Mr. Anthony Joseph Fasano, P.E., F.ASCE

Engineering Management Institute

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Engineering Management Institute
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Mr. Anthony Fasano, P.E., F.ASCE

Engineering Management Institute

My Content

1 to 12 of 12 total
Posted By Anthony Fasano 11-09-2020 03:20 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello Tepolak, Firstly, you have a great resume which is reflective of the work you have put in already in your studies and internships. Your resume is very organized and using bullets makes it really easy to read. Here are a few recommendations: I feel like the resume content blends together. ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 11-09-2020 09:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello Sherly, Firstly, you have a great overall resume with a lot of good information! Your resume is very organized and using bullets makes it really easy to read. Here are a few recommendations: Make sure your text style is the same throughout. It looks like you may have used a few different ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 11-09-2020 09:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello Pruthviraj, Firstly, you have a great overall resume with a lot of good information! Your resume is very organized and using bullets makes it really easy to read. Here are a few recommendations: You might consider shaping the opening sentence more into a sentence with a beginning ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 11-09-2020 09:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello Dawit, Your resume is awesome, I really struggled to find any recommendations or areas of change/improvement. Your resume is very organized and easy to read as you have it laid out. Here are a few minor recommendations: I would put all of your contact information in the header of ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 06-17-2020 12:04 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Danielle - how are you? I like the ability to share my screen and get really specific on what application I am sharing, and also using the whiteboard tools. A picture is worth a thousands words and in our staff meetings I constantly use that feature. I like Joseph's comment about polls though and ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 03-17-2020 09:33 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Mehran, I have reviewed your resume, and have the following recommendations: I like the resume layout, it is well organized, however your contact information takes up a lot of space, you might condense it. Consider adding an introductory statement, discussing the VALUE you can bring ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 03-17-2020 09:33 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Jongseok, I have reviewed your resume and here is some feedback: Consider putting your contact information in the header to free up some space. Add an introductory statement describing the value you would provide to companies. Consider bolding your different positions to differentiate ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 03-17-2020 09:33 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Moulay, I have reviewed your resume. It looks great overall, just a few comments. - Consider moving your contact information into the header to free up some space. - Add an objective or Introductory Statement and consider using some of what you have on your LinkedIn profile: More than 900 hours ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 03-13-2020 04:53 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello Salsabila, Overall your resume looks really nice. Very neat and organized. I would recommend adding an opening statement of some kind discussing the value you would bring to an employer. It seems a little crowded, maybe eliminate and non-critical words or points. Can you put ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 03-13-2020 04:47 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello Jess, Your resume was assigned to me. Your resume looks really great. Here a few comments: Great content, it just seems a bit squished in. Work on eliminating some non-critical words or sentences in the job descriptions. Do you have any extracurricular activities you do or ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 03-08-2019 03:28 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hello All - I was thrilled to be selected as one of the speakers for the new ASCE Power Skills Series, these are all day in-person sessions for members to help them develop their speaker skills. The topics are how to build confidence, how to build expertise, and how to delegate effectively. What ...
Posted By Anthony Fasano 01-23-2019 04:04 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Josh, I recommend using LinkedIn as a way to keep in touch with people and share thoughts/ideas. ------------------------------ Anthony Fasano P.E., M.ASCE Engineering Management Institute Ridgewood NJ (201) 857-2384 ------------------------------