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Mr. Michael Murdaugh, A.M.ASCE

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Mr. Michael Murdaugh, A.M.ASCE

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Posted By Michael Murdaugh 07-05-2023 10:50 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hi Llala, thank you for the help! I found those links to be helpful! Since beginning this project, I have realized that professional HR people will need to be involved. I was able to communicate the key things that i think need to be in the policies and have elevated the project further up the management ...
Posted By Michael Murdaugh 05-01-2023 08:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Hi, im part of a small 4 engineer company and we are adding entry level employees. We need to update or add some of our employee policies, specifically work hour expectations. Does anyone know if the ASCE website has any resources providing guidance or templates for this? Thanks! ------ ...