The title says it all in this topic. It might be interesting to learn about what other kinds of jobs people considered,
both before and after going to school for engineering.
Before college:
I had a lot of interests while growing up, and chief among them was writing. I wrote a lot of short pieces in high school, and had wanted to write a book. For those reasons, I strongly considered going to school for an English degree.
I had also taken part in a few model United Nations events during high school. I liked the idea of working with others to solve national or global issues via dialogue and policy, and so I also applied to a few schools for a degree in Political Science.
In the end, I decided that writing could happen on the side if desired, but engineering on the side would be more difficult. I also became slightly disenfranchised with politics and wanted to focus on a field that would give me tangible skills to actually "do" something, which is why I ultimately ended up in Engineering.
After college:
Having lived and worked for another 7 years after school, I've since been introduced to even more fields in our ever changing world. Some of the other fields that are now very interesting to me include computer programming and finance. I've since met a number of people who hold very interesting jobs in those fields, and while I do not regret my own choice of major, it does make me wish that I had been exposed to these other fields more when I was younger.
What about you?
Christopher Seigel P.E., M.ASCE
Civil Engineer