I spoke with my supervisor about receiving a promotion based on my current skill set, duties performed, and general performance and she was in agreement that I should, and as confidently as she could say, will, receive a promotion this spring when our company does such things. However, when I spoke with her at a later date and the topic of a raise came up with this potential promotion in mind she said that our company does not typically accompany a promotion with a raise above and beyond the usual yearly raise associated with cost of living and performance (in my 4 years here that has ranged from 2-3% for me, with excellent performance reviews). I did receive a 5% raise last year as a result of me setting up a meeting to discuss my merits, recent accomplishments (received master's degree and PE in several states), and the fact that I received only a 2% raise the year before (when my performance was rated the same as all others years, but I did take maternity leave, which in my opinion was the reason for the dip), etc.
For comparison, at my last company, I received an 8% raise when I was promoted from Engineer I to Engineer II, which I take to be a 3-4% annual raise with a 4-5% raise tied to the promotion.
I am very happy at my company, but I do feel like I am under-compensated at times.
The question - should a promotion trigger an associated raise, and if so what is a typical raise from Engineer II to Engineer III (small project management responsibilities and overseeing younger staff - which I have been doing for years).
Ashlee Tyce P.E., M.ASCE
Project Engineer II
North Smithfield RI