There is an enormous amount of information with what you list, just ASTM itself can fill a bookshelf. Figuring out a specific part of a code should help you begin. Do you have any specific interest? Also costs can be an issue if where you work does not have this info., which I suspect is the case by your writing for others to respond. ASTM is a private entity. ASTM docs. costs money. AASHTO is a private entity, formed from the various DOTs from the many US states. The AASHTO publications cost money. However, each state DOT should have the specific info. for that state readily available on the Internet. One challenge I have experienced over my entire career is getting into some codes and specifications at times becomes a seemingly never ending "chase" following additional codes and specs. that are adopted by reference or are just referenced in the code or spec. that I am reviewing.
INDOT (Indiana Department of Transportation) has info. at where you can find the standard specs. used for construction.
Building Codes in Indiana are found on the Internet at through some of them it is evident that much of the Building Code in Indiana is adopted by reference from a private source, most often the International Building Code. To get that info. typically is quite costly.
I suggest searching on the Internet for government sources, such as state DOTs, state building departments, environmental agencies, etc. since the government documents are public record, many are readily available on the Internet.
Some libraries may have this info. My county library has some of this info. from many years ago so the codes are not current.
Good Luck,
Dave Devine
David Devine P.E., L.S., M.ASCE
Fort Wayne IN
Original Message:
Sent: 11-07-2021 02:23 PM
From: Muzafar Ahmed
Subject: What construction codes should I study?
I want to learn AASHTO, ASTM and other US codes of practice related with civil engineering construction. Please help me how I can get access.
Muzafar Ahmed Aff.M.ASCE
Civil Engineer
Banihal, Doda