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  • 1.  Private On-Site Grinder Pump Guidance

    Posted 08-29-2021 06:36 PM
    ​I am working on a municipal project that includes reconstruction and/or relocation of sanitary sewer trunklines serving several neighborhoods in a hilly area.  All of the existing residences currently connect to the existing trunklines via gravity sewer laterals.  Proposed collection system upgrades will require a number of existing residences to convert from gravity laterals to on-site grinder pumps to connect to the new trunklines.  I have found several examples of municipal ordinances with requirements applicable to private on-site grinder pumps for new sewer service connections for new development.  However, I am interested in seeing any examples of municipal ordinances or policies that have been implemented to address existing customers that will be required to convert their existing sewer service connection from a gravity lateral to a private on-site grinder pump installation.  Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    Jeff Werst P.E., M.ASCE
    Design Division Manager
    Atascadero CA

  • 2.  RE: Private On-Site Grinder Pump Guidance

    Posted 08-30-2021 09:46 AM
        Check out Fairview, TN. Most homes have private grinder pumps.

    Kenneth Wolfe P.E., M.ASCE
    Gallatin TN