It looks like your original post and subsequent post are somewhat completely different (in concept). If you want actual rainfall data then you can go to the following website:
this website will allow you to query NOAA rain gauges closest to your site. The available sites might be too far from your study area and/or data not recent enough. Typically, local government or county government have a more robust rain gauge network where you could request data from them. If possible, try to obtain the lowest increment of rain they record (like 5-minute intervals). Once you have that data you can sum each duration interval to determine the max 5-minute, max 10-minute, max 15-minute…(and so on to max 24-hours or max 10-days…even up to max 60-days) in order to determine your largest return frequency compared against the first link that I sent. And when I say “sum each duration”…if, for example, you have 5-minute data, then you would have 12 possible values for a peak 1-hour increment as you would sum from 0:00 to 0:55, then 0:05 to 1:00, then from 0:10 to 1:05 and so on to give max peak hour. You would need to do this for every duration interval to determine max. This would allow you to say that the rain event on a particular date was an X-year return frequency.
Having said all of that…it sounds like you might need to develop your hydrology first though. If your culverts are in a FEMA designated floodplain, then you can look up the area in a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) to get flow rates in 10-year, 50-year, 100-year and 500-year intervals. (also, if in fema floodplain then you will likely have to submit a LOMR if changing the floodplain). If you are not in a FEMA floodplain then you have to determine areas tributary to each culvert and then use something like TR55 to develop your peak Q for your design event (check with your state DEQ though because, for example, in Michigan we fill out a drainage request online and the MDEQ provides us the discharge rates from 2-year to 500-year return frequencies). As for your design event…that will depend on your state and local government…might be 100-year.
I could be wrong, but I think you’d only want recent rainfall data if you had a dynamic model of your drainage system with stream gauges and you wanted to calibrate your model using rainfall data compared to stream gauge data (or some metered data). With a calibrated model you would simulate the design event (like 100-year, 24-hour) and see how your system performs. I’m not sure what else you would do with recent rainfall data in relation to the redesign of your culverts. Actually, the only other use would be to prove that the recent rain events that caused flooding were beyond the design event.
Hope this helps.
Jennifer Morreale P.E., CFM, M.ASCE
Project Engineer
Hubbell, Roth & Clark
Detroit MI
(248) 454-6828
Original Message:
Sent: 07-22-2016 14:25
From: Matthew Hosey
Subject: What weather websites offer recent rain event's Storm Frequency?
Thanks Everyone,
So far it looks like the NOAA Atlas 14 site is the winner. This is exactly what I was looking for, and couldn't find on my own without spending a bunch of time (than NOAA site can be a bit overwhelming). Sorry I didn't respond yesterday, but I was out in the field all day yesterday.
I should have given more background about my project and why I'm needing this info. I'm doing a conceptual drainage plan for one or our coastal counties in Mississippi. Basically the county has given us about 70 problem sites (about half are drainage related and the other half are dredging related) and we have to analyze each site, propose a solution and cost estimate for each. The most common problem we are finding is old culverts that are undersized. So obviously I'm doing hydraulic analysis on each one to determine what size it should be. I thought it would be a good idea to support the hydraulic analysis with some recent storm info, but discovered that it is quite laborious to do this accurately. That's where my forum question comes into play. I was certain there must be a way to get a rough estimate, but was unsuccessful in finding the right sites to help with this.
Again thank you all so much. It's great having this forum at our expense. I've got some more questions I'll be posting soon that are more personal research topics I want to know more about than project related questions. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Matthew W. Hosey, EI | Engineering Intern
Waggoner Engineering, Inc. | 2510 14th Street, Suite 1200 | Gulfport, MS 39501
office: 228-206-1115 | mobile: 228-697-0908 | fax: | Matthew.Hosey@...