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  • 1.  Using ICPR 4.0 to Model 100-year Floodplain in 7 SM Urbanizing Watershed

    Posted 02-07-2022 11:18 PM
    Has anyone had much experience in using ICPR 4.0 in modeling watersheds as large as 7 SM? We have used ICPR very successfully in smaller watersheds, but are curious about other users experience in larger watersheds.

    Karen Kabbes P.E., ENV SP, D.WRE, F.ASCE
    Kabbes Engineering, Inc. (KEI)
    Barrington IL

  • 2.  RE: Using ICPR 4.0 to Model 100-year Floodplain in 7 SM Urbanizing Watershed

    Posted 02-15-2022 10:03 AM
    Hi Karen, 

    We have been able to successfully use ICPR 4 in larger watersheds up to about 5 SM that were both urbanized and undeveloped. Our experience with large urbanized watersheds has found that calibrating the model stability parameters can be challenging if a lot of negligible storage elements are present in the model, such as zero-storage nodes representing drainage manholes and catch basins. However, the challenge is not insurmountable.

    If you are able to generate a high-quality DEM to import into the project, then the stage-area and cross-section takeoff tools can save a lot of time in the model development stage.

    Cameron Houmann P.E.
    Senior Registered Engineer
    Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc.
    Winter Park, FL

    Cameron Houmann P.E., M.ASCE
    Project Engineer
    Altamonte Springs FL