Hi Gina,
The texts suggested so far are good--I've used all of them. For what it's worth, I now use
Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis by Bedient, Huber, and Vieux in the water resources sequence at my university. I find that the mix of hydrology and hydraulics in that text allows me to use it in an introductory hydrology course as well as in an elective course that includes some hydrologic modeling applications. You might also want to take a look at
Physical Hydrology by Dingman. I find that Dingman provides a better coverage of the science than do most of the engineering textbooks.
Also, you might be interested in the Water Resources Educators Forum here at EWRI.
https://collaborate.asce.org/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=9546890c-b4d6-4508-8d49-e67f262af410. This is an activity of the education and student councils here at EWRI. There are a few resources focused online teaching in the forum.
Wes Lauer
John Lauer Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
Associate Professor
Seattle WA
Original Message:
Sent: 07-14-2020 09:40 AM
From: Gina Beim
Subject: Resources for teaching water resources engineering
I am an adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University and have been asked to teach ''Water Resources Engineering" in the Fall. The class has been in the catalog, but has not recently been taught. The class description is:
Water doctrine, probabilistic analysis of hydrologic data, common and rare event analysis, flood forecasting and control, reservoir design, hydrologic routing, synthetic streamflow generation, hydroelectric power, water resource quality, water resources planning.
Because it has been 30+ years since I took a similar class, and Fall is just around the corner, if anyone could share resources such as current textbooks and syllabus I would greatly appreciate it.
Gina Beim P.E., M.ASCE