Designing port infrastructure for sea level change presents significant challenges for engineers. How are engineers addressing these challenges and adequately incorporating sea level change into their designs of port infrastructure?
Researchers at the University of Rhode Island are working with the Ports and Harbors committee of ASCE to better understand the port engineering community's approach to designing port infrastructure for sea level change. If you have experience with designing port infrastructure, we would greatly appreciate your participation in a brief, 10-12 minute survey at:, we would appreciate your help with casting a wider net and getting the survey to others. Please feel free to forward this email along and/or just let us know who you think we should send it to.
We very much appreciate your help with this study. Should you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact either myself (
benjaminsweeney@...) or Dr. Austin Becker (
Ben Sweeney S.M.ASCE
Master's Candidate in Marine Affairs
University of Rhode Island
1 Greenhouse Road, Kingston, RI 02881