Mohamed and others,
The other discussions have hit on how to design the system. But to figure out how much salt will remain does not require that much analysis. Assuming the system is closed and salt does not exit, then the simple salt balance is:
Salt Remaining = Salt Added
To estimate the amount of salt applied:
TDS of brine (ppm) - assuming you have a water quality analysis
Weight of water = 62.4lbs/ft^3
Lbs of salt = TDS* (1lb salt/1,000,000lbs water)*(62.4lb/ft^3)*(total brine applied (ft^3))
Sorry for not using SI units but you can replace lbs with metric-tons and ft^3 with m^3 (or whichever units you prefer)
Good luck,
Daniel Howes
Assistant Professor/Sr Engineer
San Luis Obispo CA
(858) 354-0504
Original Message:
Sent: 06-05-2014 15:18
From: Mohamed El Zayat
Subject: Evaporation Pond
Hello EWRI Colleagues: I'm working on a project and would like your input on how to design an evaporation pond for brine/saline water conducted from desalination plants. Is it possible to calculate the amount of salts after evaporation? Your prompt feedback guys is highly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
Mohamed El Zayat