We have developed a similar activity here with a local HS, who has a pre-civil engineering/pre-architecture program for Juniors/Seniors. It consists of:
1. Powerpoint on rainfall and runoff (40 mins).......University of South Alabama (USA) faculty or students
2. Powerpoint on LID and BMPs (focusing in on rain gardens) (40 mins)....USA faculty or students
3. Intro to CAD (2-weeks plus, as part of the curriculum)......HS instructor and students
4. Intro to Surveying (developing a site map with actual contours) (2-weeks plus, curriculum)......HS instructor and students
(typically NOT the whole school site, but a smaller area of interest, so the rain garden is relatively small)
5. Location of underground utilities (to avoid).......HS administration
6. Designing (locate, size, draw-out) a rain garden (one week).....HS instructor, students, and USA students
(to include plantings)
7. Construct the rain garden by hand (shovels, etc.) (one week).....HS students, instructor, and USA students
8. Publicize the activity, including a small sign within the rain garden with student names and date.
9. Repeat next year with a new set of students.
Kevin D. White, Ph.D. P.E.
Professor and Chair
University of South Alabama
Mobile AL
(251) 460-6174
Original Message:
Sent: 06-06-2018 07:15
From: Jeannine Finton
Subject: Developing a map for a Rain Garden Activity
We are finalizing a Sustainability module for the Civil Engineering Clubs. One of the activities has students evaluating where to locate a rain garden(s) on a simple map of a school property. The current map shows the outline of the school, location of parking lots, and where there are trees, but we would like to add in some contour lines and other details that would effect where rain gardens should or shouldn't be located.
Would anyone like to help us prepare the map? The basic activity is meant to be a simple introduction to the topic so it doesn't have to be super detailed. We may want a 2nd version that would be more of a challenge.
Jeannine Finton
Senior Manager, Pre-College Outreach
American Society of Civil Engineers
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191-4400

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