It's a New Year, at least for ASCE and the Institute. Like many businesses, the new fiscal year for both the Society and the Institute started on October 1st. That means that several changes have occurred. One of the biggest changes for our Institute is the transformation of the Operations ExCom into the Member Services ExCom. Sheila Carpenter Van-Djik has taken over leadership of that ExCom, and there is a lot of energy in that ExCom. Dr. Jeanne VanBriesen, from Carnegie-Mellon, is leading our efforts to stand up a New Professionals Council, and she has several younger professionals who are helping in that effort. The Governing Board was pleased to be able to host both Jeanne and Melanie Head, one of these young professionals, at our October meeting.
EWRI is moving into the 21st century in other ways. Thanks to Gabrielle Dunkley, the Institute has a Twitter feed -
: I also have set up a Twitter account (EWRI14Prez), so feel free to follow me over the next year - I won't be tweeting about breakfast, lunch, or dinner, but about things happening in ASCE, the Institute, and our professional world.