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Keith MacBain, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE


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Posted By Keith MacBain 08-25-2023 01:44 PM
Found In Community: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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Chris, Another approach is that you could ignore the pitch of the green surface entirely and follow only the second table when wind is parallel to the ridge. This means that the green surface would receive the same pressure as say the pink surface depending on the distance from the windward edge. How ...
Posted By Keith MacBain 08-25-2023 12:49 PM
Found In Community: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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Hi Chris, My interpretation is that terms normal or parallel to ridge pertain to the wind direction, not the surfaces. If pressed for an answer, I believe I'd characterize the green surface as normal to the ridge, but I believe that's not how one enters Figure 27.3-1. For your image the wind is parallel ...
Posted By Keith MacBain 05-18-2023 09:30 PM
Found In Egroup: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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Chad, I see the 100/300 stadium loading in 780 CMR seventh edition (circa 2008) but I don't see it in the more recent editions. As best I can tell, it was dropped by the eighth edition (2013). It appears to me that the CMR currently agrees with ASCE/IBC loading of 50/200. Do you know if the 100/300 ...
Posted By Keith MacBain 02-02-2023 03:11 PM
Found In Egroup: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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Dwayne, Yes, I think we've all wrestled with aspects that could be clearer but I'd also concede that we're a tough and varied audience. That's why this forum is so useful! I'd suggest carefully going over Chris' reply, which I interpret as it applies to your question may be taken as "only use the ...
Posted By Keith MacBain 02-02-2023 08:03 AM
Found In Egroup: Peer-to-Peer Standards Exchange
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Christian, I agree with Ron that you have the correct interpretation but I'm not clear that you're fully addressing Dwayne's question. However you definitely get two gold stars for the research! I do enjoy and appreciate your positive and sometimes provoking contributions to the discussions! ...