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Mr. Christian Parker, P.E., M.ASCE


1 to 5 of 24 total
Posted By Christian Parker 04-01-2024 08:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I want to open up this thread for folks to share the ways that insurance and the threat of litigation impact our practice (beyond basic civic responsibility) and solutions to keep up the quality and efficiency of our work product without taking on excess risk. We all practice in a highly regulated world ...
Posted By Christian Parker 03-17-2024 10:33 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I agree with both Bills, a legal opinion would be helpful. A lot of the language of this form reminds me of "uninsurable" contract language, arguably worse since a reference PE has essentially zero control over the practices of the applicant post-licensure. ------------------------------ Christian ...
Posted By Christian Parker 03-11-2024 10:01 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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State licensure boards require references from other PEs for new applicants' listed experience. Does anyone know what legal weight is associated with being a PE reference? Are references vetted? Could they be held liable for a new licensee? ------------------------------ Christian Parker P.E., ...
Posted By Christian Parker 03-10-2024 03:22 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Coming in late to this very lively discussion, and I confess that I have not read all of the preceding messages so I may be duplicating thoughts others have shared. While I can't speak to the insularity of academia, I believe that providing adequate training for civil engineers in 4 years is achievable ...
Posted By Christian Parker 02-05-2024 08:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Great thoughts all around. Personally, I have powerful memories of a professor admonishing a senior design group for proposing transit-oriented development near a major subway and commuter rail hub. He told them it was ethically irresponsible as an engineer to not provide a parking spot for every unit. ...