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Mr. Andre Landim Fernandes, C.Eng, M.ASCE

Engenheiro Civil


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Posted By Andre Landim Fernandes 06-10-2024 11:31 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Dear fellow ASCE member, I live in Brazil, and next August I will be accompanying my wife on a 4-week course in Toronto, Canada, and I would like to take advantage of this time to visit some construction sites (it could be any type of work), some Do you know someone in Toronto or region that could ...
Posted By Andre Landim Fernandes 05-20-2024 11:37 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Good day everyone! I speak from Brazil and I intend to go to the United States in the near future, I have a lot of experience as a civil engineer (20 years), but I would like to prepare myself before going to the USA, but I can also take a lot of my knowledge at times. What does the American ...