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Mr. Brett Hoffstadt, P.E., M.ASCE


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Posted By Brett Hoffstadt 07-03-2019 03:30 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I was going to submit that one here. Thanks David. Except I learned and repeat it as the difference between aerospace engineers and civil engineers. ------------------------------ Brett Hoffstadt EIT,A.M.ASCE Folsom CA (916)845-8347 ------------------------------
Posted By Brett Hoffstadt 07-03-2019 03:30 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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That's a great joke I have heard and repeated before. But it makes more sense to me to end with a line that God must NOT be a civil engineer. And to be more precise (and even worse from a CE perspective) for us males the waste water line is shared by the recreational area... ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Brett Hoffstadt 07-03-2019 03:30 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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A female civil engineer is doing a field survey and finds a talking frog. "Kiss me and I'll turn into a prince and marry you," it says. The engineer excitedly picks up the frog and continues with her job. And she doesn't kiss it. Finally the frog asks, "Aren't you going to kiss me?" She says, "What? ...