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Mr. George Watson, P.E., M.ASCE


1 to 5 of 5 total
Posted By George Watson 07-22-2024 12:19 PM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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I have worked for your local wires provider in Houston for a little over 50 years designing T-Line structures when it was HL&P. I know a few people on the NESC and the consensus from the structural folks on the committee is the EE's on the committee vote down any attempt to remove the 60' exemption. ...
Posted By George Watson 08-27-2023 11:18 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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I analyze and design Transmission Towers which are analyzed as trusses. There is a ASCE Standard, ASCE 10, which governs our Industry. It is one of the very few industries that does full scale testing of a new (or old) tower design in order to validate the truss assumptions. The single angle compression ...
Posted By George Watson 01-16-2023 10:33 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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I've used GTStrudl for over 40 years and it was developed by Georgia Tech for steel structure analysis and design. AFAIK it is one of the only structural packages approved by the NRC for analysis of Nuclear power plants in the USA. Take a look at the video here: Introduction to a World Class 2019 ...
Posted By George Watson 05-24-2020 08:02 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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I've used GTSTRUDL for over 30 years. It was developed at Georgia Tech and was acquired by Intergraph/Hexagon a few years ago. They used to send out a free trial/student edition. It was limited to a few joints and members but otherwise fully functional. Check their website to see if they have a free ...
Posted By George Watson 11-14-2017 09:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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​For Utility Pole Structures, the market leader is PLS-POLE from Power Line Systems. If you do T-Line design, PLS-CADD has about 90% of the USA market. The pole vendors use their own proprietary software developed in-house to design pole shafts. ------------------------------ George Watson P.E., ...