Highway Distress

03-20-2017 03:41 AM
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09-06-2017 02:52 AM

Rutting maybe caused by overload or failure of soil/foundation of the street. It is important to consider the volume of traffic (buses, lorries, etc) in this street, and what is under it, sanitation systems, like drainage and water supply, as well as, conditions of the foundation/soil. I would also consider excessive heat on those stone pieces, and lack of space for them to reaccomodate, decreasing the space available for the stones.

06-23-2017 01:46 AM

Its due to overloading and compaction before the Paver installation not completed and some moisture content also available here, So replace the base and sub-base. In others area by the environment may also affects on that.

06-17-2017 11:23 AM

Suggest if your subgrade is clayey you should replace it by 50cm or raise the roadway with a sand subbase.

06-17-2017 10:48 AM

​Reset you pavers. If those are coble stones they should could last for 1000's of years. They need to be maintained though, and your road is at that point now.

06-16-2017 12:08 PM

Rutting due to foundation failure.

06-15-2017 11:54 AM

Overloading of pavement causing rutting..

03-23-2017 02:39 PM

Is this project located in area subject to frost penetration?

03-23-2017 02:38 PM

Is this project located in area subject to frost penetration?

03-21-2017 02:06 PM

The set of photos led us to see how the concrete pieces' pathway plays a very important rule for this such a kind of pavement. Since there is no any restrictions to avoid longitudinal and transversal displacements, definetively these will happen. Moreover, the concrete pieces are not blocked among them.

03-21-2017 11:53 AM

Possibly not compacted well enough or base/subbase/subgrade is not thick enough.

demand > capacity = no good

03-21-2017 09:33 AM

Before any comments, I will check water table below the road first and then water accumulation after rainfall along the road in this section. Then differential movement of the subgrade / base course under loading. heaving at localized section may be the loosest spot!! I agree with David.

03-21-2017 09:14 AM

the picture show where dump trucks have placed loads. That's a typical base failure from truck traffic, particularly the up heaving in the middle.

03-21-2017 08:26 AM

Maybe check  for underground water pipes  that could have leaks  causing isolated  areas of wet base  that lead to  rutting and  shoving.

Good photos of an interesting problem.  Let us know what  you find

03-21-2017 08:15 AM

I agree with David that the pavement structure has failed. I suspect wet subbase where the paver blocks have been pushed together and buckled up. The other area appears to be simple overloading of the pavement system. I think the repair will have to be full depth including soil subbase removal and recompaction.

03-21-2017 07:51 AM

I agree with Mr Hein - its some type of shear failure.  Weak structure and / or vehicle overload 

03-21-2017 06:20 AM

This looks like overloading of the base/subbase and subgrade causing rutting which is shoving up the stones between the wheel ruts.  Likely causes are lack of sufficient pavement structure, poor or wet base and the potential lack of shear resistance provided by the jointing material between the stones. 

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