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2737493 Ontario Limited
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David Hein, P.Eng, M.ASCE

2737493 Ontario Limited


Mr. Hein is a principal engineer that has devoted over 3 decades of his career to roadway engineering and transportation asset management. Mr. Hein currently lead’s ARA’s Transportation Infrastructure Division, which is extensively involved with roadway asset management activities at Federal, provincial/state, and local levels. He is a co-author of the Transportation Association of Canada Pavement Design and Asset Management Guide and over the past 10 years, he had led the team that implemented detailed asset management systems for private sector transportation infrastructure projects. Mr. Hein is a member of the ASCE T&DI Board of Governors, Codes and Standards committee and chairs two technical committees. Mr. Hein is the past chair of the World Road Association pavements committee and Transportation Association of Canada Pavements Standing Committee.