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Univ Of Hawaii

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Panos Prevedouros, C.Eng

Univ Of Hawaii


Panos Prevedouros, PhD, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa is the Department Chair since 2015 and was the Graduate Program Chair for five years. He is the Subcommittee Chair on Freeway Operations Simulation for the Transportation Research Board (TRB), a unit of the National Academies since 2005.  He’s a registered Professional Engineer in the European Union. Prevedouros received roughly 20% of the vote as candidate for Honolulu mayor in 2008 and 2010.  Selected highlights include: Expertise in traffic engineering, intelligent transportation systems, demand forecasting, driverless technologies, energy production, life-cycle analysis and sustainable infrastructure. Over 100 technical articles and reports, and the internationally adopted textbook Transportation Engineering and Planning (Prentice Hall, 1993 and 2001.) Pioneered effective traffic solutions for Honolulu such as narrower freeway lanes, traffic underpasses and managed express lanes. Blogs on Hawaii’s infrastructure and energy challenges at Awards include Best Paper award on transportation noise, TRB (1995), Outstanding Faculty award, American Society of Civil Engineers-Hawaii (1996), Van Wagoner Award for Urban Underpasses, Institute of Transportation Engineers (2005), the Freeway Operations Service Award, TRB (2009), and Best Paper on Transportation Sustainability award from World Road Association (2011.) The Honolulu Star Bulletin declared him along with Senator Barrack Obama one of the “10 People Who Made a Difference in Hawaii in 2008.” In 2012 he received an honor certificate for public service from the City Council of Honolulu. PhD (1990) and M.S. (1987), both in Civil Engineering, from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, and Diploma in Engineering (1985) from Aristotle University, Greece. Full CV: