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Jefferson County Secondary Roads
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Mr. DeWayne Heintz, P.E.

Jefferson County Secondary Roads


I've been in the asphalt industry since 1976. I started working summers for my father's company.

I attended Iowa State University from the fall of 81 to the Spring of 87. I spent more time concentrating on rodeo than Civil Engineering. I completed my BS in Civil Engineering with a minor in Economics in December 2016. I passed the FE exam so now I am officially an engineering intern E.I.

I was with Ament Engineering from 87 through 88. I really did not have my head in the engineering field. I did learn a lot about computers.

I was getting ready to head back to school for the spring semester of 89 when Dad asked me to try a season as an estimator for him. The deal was that I'd go back to college if I didn't like working as an estimator.

28 years, and I still love coming to work!

I was the Estimator, Accounts receivables and I.T. Department.

Cedar Valley Asphalt was sold to the L.L. Pelling Company in the Spring of 2004. They brought most of us along.

This is a great company to work for! I have never been around so many great people.

We are doing more porous pavements each year and now with our new plant on the SW side of Cedar Rapids we will have enhanced ability to recycle asphalt and shingles as well as producing warm mix asphalt to improve compaction consistency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.