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POA&M Structural Engineering, PLC
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James Williams, P.E., M.ASCE

POA&M Structural Engineering, PLC


I love engineering. I am a family man that loves to compete in practically everything.
I love participating in games and sports. While I enjoy winning, I have reached the age where I get the greatest joy out of simply having fun; especially when it comes to playing Madden NFL with younger brother, Thurman (side note: I expect to win).
I played little league football growing up and flag football as an adult.  I played tennis for my high school and university teams. I enjoy bike riding, golf, and taekwondo. I am a 2nd degree blackbelt and have studied taekwondo since the late 80s. During this time, I have collected two (2) sparring gold medals in competition at the Virginia State TKD Championships, two (2) silver medals in sparring at the U.S. National Taekwondo Championships (1994, 2016), and a few "broken" bones.