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Mr. Dimitrios Konstantakos, P.E., M.ASCE


Mr. Konstantakos is the CEO and founder of Deep Excavation LLC, serves as the chair of the ASCE/G-I Technical Coordination Council, and also teaches as an Adjunct Professor at New York University. From 2013 to 2016, he served as the Chair of the ASCE/G-I Earth Retaining Structures Committee. He holds a Master’s of Science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science from University of Massachusetts in Lowell. His areas of specialization are deep excavations, soil-structure interaction, slope stability, helical piles, deep foundations, and software development with relative publications.
Mr. Konstantakos has applied his passion for deep excavation design and has been the master developer of the international software program DeepEX dedicated to the subject. The DeepEX software is currently used by more than 1200 engineers and contractors worldwide and embodies a wide range of standards and specifications. He has also developed software programs for soil nailed walls, helical piles, deep foundations, and geotechnical instrumentation. He holds professional licenses in New York and in Europe. Mr. Konstantakos has authored a number of publications.