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Michael Ellegood, P.E., M.ASCE


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The "bright side" Barry, is that good people like you and I can see this and keep the pressure on. We need to keep this issue front and center and keep pushing our elected officials to keep all of our infrastructure up to snuff. It worked for Ike in the '50s and it will work now. ------------------------------ ...
My colleague and friend Al Field responds that there is a limit to what the taxpayer will endure and that politicians must decide whether to support "givers or takers". Both Al and I live and work here in Arizona and for the past 25 years we have been governed by a singular philosophy of reduce taxes ...
Evidence of a sub grade failure. Check to see if there are underground utilities possibly a water leak. Does your climate have freeze - thaw? If so, I suspect water in the sub grade that froze and then thawed probably several times. In any case, excavate along the CL of the failure + 1/2 meter either ...