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Barbara A.B. Salvin
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Ms. Barbara Salvini, P.E., R.Eng

Barbara A.B. Salvin


1 to 5 of 16 total
Posted By Barbara Salvini 09-11-2020 03:12 PM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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Love the humor. I was in the Sierras backpacking when the California Creek fire started only a few miles away. I have a new understanding of the environmental impact of climate change. If we do not replace the trees that are currently burning from Mexico to Alaska, and in other parts of the world we ...
Posted By Barbara Salvini 09-08-2020 02:54 PM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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California includes landscape standards in metropolitan areas. However, in recent years I have seen more and more rock scape which is disappointing. We have some landscape including a park on a bridge over the I 805 freeway in San Diego. This very costly project was done because the new freeway bisected ...
Posted By Barbara Salvini 09-07-2020 04:15 PM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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Irrigation infrastructure is also in the median but the controller it moved to the side of the road away from the travel way. Please talk to your agencies traffic senior. In California Cal Trans has gone as far as putting up continuous guardrail along highway 163 through Balboa Park in the median because ...
Posted By Barbara Salvini 08-31-2020 04:49 PM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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You have already gotten good advice. I will add that even good pavements will lose oil over time. Once water jetting has removed so much oil that the pavement lets water penetrate the pavement section, this is the beginning of the end of your pavement. Alligator cracking will start because the water ...
Posted By Barbara Salvini 08-31-2020 04:48 PM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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The City of San Diego uses Transportation design guidelines that you might be interested in. California law requires city agencies to develop regional community plans which establish development densities, which are used for long term traffic projections. This allows right of way to be established and ...