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Mr. Stanley Bujalski, P.E., M.ASCE


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​Like converting a written text from one language to another there is a caution in the cliché "lost in translation". That caution must be emphasized and addressed by engineers, most especially Civil, in preparing documents for construction. Already noted here in several other posts, the translation from ...
​Since the debate on which system to use has been ongoing for well over 100 years now, it will continue to be unresolved and debated for another 100 years unless one system is set as the standard and that can only be done by having contract documents require a specific system to be used for the project. ...
​ While studying engineering in the late 1960's our professors told us to get used to the SI system of measurement since it was expected to be the standard of measurement in the U.S within the next ten years. Much of the resistance to the SI system at that time, as I remember it, came from the automobile ...
While working for a general contractor on fairly complex construction projects, we always had competent surveyors perform basic layout and, that layout was then handed-off to various trades to complete the construction work. The designer's CAD files provided a resource that raised the construction phase ...