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Mr. Stephen Hemphill, P.E.


1 to 5 of 12 total
In my experience, there is a positive correlation between those who resist providing accurate (read CAD) plans and those who want to charge extra for fixing design problems during construction. Although it can not always be expected in an atmosphere of Engineer selection by less than knowledgeable officials ...
I've noticed two different attitudes about providing CAD files - one is fear that providing them gives contractors a possible route for evidence in filing claims from potentially fudged designs, the other is that ever more technologically savvy contractors can make good use of them in cutting costs, ...
While it's true there are some urban areas in the US where rail makes sense, the vast majority of America needs the automobile to most cost effectively and efficiently move from point A to point B. As engineers, I would expect us to look beyond anecdotal data and see that. It's also true vocal minorities ...
Cost effectiveness is the question. There is technology out there to do it, but is the existing technology anywhere near cost effective? The concept does raise an interesting angle though: The heavier the vehicle the more damage is done to the roadway while the more energy can be produced. However, there ...
Transportation is circulation. There are many levels of "entity". A person, sports team, city, state, nation, engineers; on and on. Entities depend on circulation. The robustness of that circulation defines an upper limit to the relative health of that entity. If the transportation network is not good ...