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Advanced Roofing Inc

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Mr. Eduardo Lobo

Advanced Roofing Inc


1 to 5 of 5 total
Posted By Eduardo Lobo 02-07-2017 10:32 AM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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Thank you Ronald. I do know some people in the ICE and one of my coworkers worked at that institution for about 5 years. Never thought of it, thanks for giving me the insight. One issue I've been trying to quantify is social and environmental impact. In Costa Rica, social and environmental impact ...
Posted By Eduardo Lobo 02-07-2017 10:31 AM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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I agree Hank. Here in Honduras projects may be feasible during construction phase. One aspect that owners or project developers might overlook is O+M phase. This is also a cost that relates directly to the life of the project. One way people overlook it is by estimating costs without enough information, ...
Posted By Eduardo Lobo 02-06-2017 09:45 AM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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Hello Mark, Sorry for my late reply. What's standards or norms were used for design and construction? In Honduras, if you get a serious firm they would use Corps. of Engineers design manual in combination with other existing material such as ICOLD. In the case of MEP's they use European Norms such ...
Posted By Eduardo Lobo 02-06-2017 09:45 AM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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Anyway I can help I will. What's your specific interest. The info is in spanish but I can translate the basics. ------------------------------ Eduardo Lobo S.M.ASCE GENERA Tegucigalpa 50431909928 ------------------------------
Posted By Eduardo Lobo 01-30-2017 02:26 PM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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Hello everybody. I currently work with renewable energy projects in Honduras. Is there anyone who has good material reads for developing a renewable energy project, particularly hydropower. If anyone is interested in devoloping renewable energy projects in central america, I have some information that ...