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Mr. Sergio Fernandez, P.Eng, M.ASCE


1 to 5 of 5 total
Kent, In general, tolerances are not given for cross slopes or grades (whether in ADA ramps or other hard surfaces) because the concrete construction specifications already have tolerances identified, so you if the designer is not careful, the contract could have several tolerances specified for the ...
Trae, Three part answer: 1.- Mitigation of shrinking cracking. This is a valid application of the rebar. However, 6" is a thin slab, (almost minimum thickness) so welded wire fabric may be more effective since it better distributes the reinforcement. The reinforcement alternative carries some ...
Kelvin, The solution to problem of poor road conditions is not one of technology, it is one of government policy. When a road is built, especially in jurisdictions where finances are constrained, the road has a certain pavement structure, usually the less expensive option. However, less expensive ...
Partha, 1. Is lane width of 3.5m is standard all over the world? No. Different jurisdictions have different lane widths, for two reasons. First, the conversion from the original 12 foot width has been rounded in different ways, e.g. 3.7m in Canada, 3.65 in some Latin American countries, 3.6 in ...
In Canadian infrastructure, contract drawings should show design intent, but cannot be expected to show all details, including layout details. This differs from other jurisdictions I've seen, where it is expected that all details necessary for construction and layout are to be included in the contract ...