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Mr. Muhamad Madhat


From my growing age, designs of different objects were always very fascinating to me. They leave a strong influence on my mind and I will always remember the eye-catchy features of different buildings. I love traveling and exploring different areas. While having vacations in different places, my major focus was mostly on watching the construction style, hierarchy of designs of different buildings around me. All these things enhanced my sense of curiosity that makes me excited from my inner-self. In addition, I used to frequently ask my father about different building like how such buildings are made? What types of approaches are used and adopted for it?
A few times ago, I get a chance to visit a place, Aquarium of Paris named "Cine Aqua". It was a quite pleasant experience for me. In my whole visit, I enjoyed the beauty of biodiversity as well as visualize the infrastructure of a whole glass aquarium. It was a quite learning trip for me and I was quite surprised that how beautiful they manage and applied strategically approaches and make a wonderful piece of natural beauty. While walking in Cine Aqua, I deeply observe how the architect constructs them and what type of particular contraction methods the architect applied during its construction. I felt very lucky to observe everything in quite a depth. Rest of the visitors was only enjoying biodiversity, fishes, and wildlife. Despite all these, I enjoyed the marvelous constructional techniques of the Cine Aqua. It was a unique piece of architecture. I believe that it was quite challenging for the civil engineer who constructed it because it was too hard to manage and apply different strategically approaches in terms of maintaining the inner environment for wildlife and also keeping in mind the safety measures for the visitors.