Hi Kelvin.
I apologize for the lack of timely professional response.
Please let me know if you still desire such information.
Stay Healthy!
William M. Hayden Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CMQ/OE, F.ASCE
Buffalo, N.Y.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." -- George Eliot 1819 - 1880
Original Message:
Sent: 12-19-2018 10:07 AM
From: Kelvin Marumba
Subject: Water pipeline construction conflicts
Good day,
I am seeking assistance in finding information or journals for my literature review on conflicts or arguments associated with cross-country water pipeline construction. May you please assist by sharing information and sending me articles or journals.
Thank you!
Kelvin Marumba S.M.ASCE