Hello Aditya
There are a lot of good references for both field and laboratory testing of pothole repair materials. I am currently completing a study to develop best practices for the pothole repairs for the Transportation Association of Canada. I have summarized references from around the world with many providing details on studies of pothole repair procedures and materials and am reporting these to the steering committee at our annual meeting in Saskatoon in a few weeks.
David Hein P.E., P.Eng, M.ASCE
Prinicpal Engineer,
Applied Research Associates, Incl.
Toronto ON
(416) 621-9555
Original Message:
Sent: 09-04-2018 11:18
From: Aditya Shinde
Subject: Cold mix for potholes
I am doing cold mix as my college project. I am trying to add plastic (polyethylene) to 8% of bituminous emulsion. What are some tests I can do to prove the results of my project? I am planning to use cold mix only for pothole filling.
Aditya Shinde S.M.ASCE
Navi Mumbai MH
9191 8655102855