Actually, you've a good idea but I believe you got it almost right, or left.
When I was in about 1st grade (I'm 67), a policeman came to our class to discuss safety, especially since many of us walked to school in an urban area (not in the snow, not uphill both ways). He made a point to say pedestrians should walk on the left facing traffic, bicycles on the right with traffic. This is much safer! As you mentioned, best to see approaching traffic (Cars, trucks & BIKES?)
While visiting Seoul, South Korea, had many occasions to walk. Their bike/pedestrian path signs show pedestrians walking on left, bikes on right. US generally have both bikes & peds on right. Bad news when walking & a bike at much greater speed passes, sometimes within inches! Courteous riders will say, "On Left (or Right?)" when approaching but II can tell you since I am hard of hearing, I may or may not here a sound but certainly not what they said.
Once I attended a pedestrian safety presentation. The Instructor reported proudly he is a Bike Rider! He was on crutches. He explained that Pedestrians are stupid and don't require a license! He was riding in a Park on a Bike/Ped Path past a group of Pedestrians when one suddenly stepped out in his way, he crashed to avoid hitting them, breaking his leg in self-sacrifice!
I interrupted his presentation with a question and a statement. "Where did you get your bicycle riding license?" and "Under the Basic Speed Law", YOU were riding too fast for "conditions". He was not appreciative but I got a number of approving responses from the audience!
Phil George
Redding CA
Philip George P.E., M.ASCE
Sole Proprietor
Philip E. George, P.E.
Redding CA
Original Message:
Sent: 01-30-2021 01:54 PM
From: Oanh Le
Subject: Bike lane direction
Something I have always been wondering is the direction of bicycle lanes (It might different in some states). I'm looking for any research that is related to the direction of bicyclists facing traffic and against traffic. I was thinking that it might safer for bicyclists to see oncoming traffic as they cycle, the other consideration would be if it would be safe pedestrians.
Thank you,
Oanh Le
Oanh Le (She/Her)
Rochdale MA