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Dr. Dilip Kumar Barua, Ph.D., P.Eng, M.ASCE

Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering

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Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering
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Dr. Dilip Barua, Ph.D., P.Eng, M.ASCE

Consulting - Coastal, Port and Marine Engineering

My Content

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Posted By Dilip Barua 06-24-2024 10:57 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Congratulations, Christopher on your assuming the new role of a manager. Hope, it would lead to the fulfillment of your ambition and aspiration. Also, as in the Leadership and Management – hope that the expectations of – to do things right – set by a leader – to do right things – would not fail ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 06-18-2024 01:39 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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They're good queries. Further, here are something I like to share. As you know, environmental loads of various sorts are the major players in the scenarios of coastal highway embankments and bridges. Among the Force Fields in a Coastal System – one can mention episodes of extreme events like ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 06-14-2024 10:42 AM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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Ahmed, following our earlier discussions on this – here are something more I like to add. The short answer is Sea Level Rise (SLR) is an important element of planning and design considerations in most, if not all of contemporaneous Coastal CE works. The question is whether this factor ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 06-04-2024 10:17 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Great contribution seeded with valuable practical experiences. Thanks for sharing. I like to add a little to your comment penned down in the 4th para on climate change . . . If climate conditions are no longer stationary . . . climate-related civil engineering standards. . . are no longer reliable . ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 05-23-2024 03:05 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Great discussions seeded with glimpses of useful practical experiences. I like to add a little to these lively discussions based on my read of the 2016 NAP Book #21739 – Barriers and Opportunities for 2-Year and 4-Year STEM Degrees. Highlights of some messages or observations – the authors of this ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 05-13-2024 10:13 AM
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Perhaps it is helpful to begin with distinguishing the two ways of receiving information through the ear sensor. Listening is a voluntary effort of making conscious efforts to make sense of the received sound/information. Hearing, on the other hand is an involuntary process. In both the cases, the processes ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 05-05-2024 11:49 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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A du jour topic – wouldn't you say, Bill. Not so much on Engineering & Construction per se – but on various aspect of AI – Chatbot, ChatGPT, in particular. But, all these have huge implications on civil engineering projects. For example, in the way some communications are getting affected – in the way ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 04-25-2024 12:31 PM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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There are many general and regional guidelines – authored by different federal and state agencies, and others. But, blanket adoption of such guidelines – may either prove too conservative or inadequate. This is because the hydraulics of a certain project location may not often align with what are suggested ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 04-19-2024 01:23 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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The article is a great pick from the ASCE-Source Claim Reduction monthly series. Most industrial policy and management documents – have some sort of guidelines on many such issues. One thing that occurs to me – is that most often we do not give enough importance to mentioning, discussing ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 04-12-2024 11:39 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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The art of effective communication? Let us brood over this question for a while in simple terms – with the hope that it would help us to realize different kind of clarity. I am posting this as a rejoinder to my earlier post. Communication is to relate ourselves with others – in actions and ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 04-09-2024 10:20 AM
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Bill – this is an interesting topic – and I guess we have discussed aspects of it in some other threads before. The shared paper greatly enhances some of the communication issues – in particular within engineering industries. In this post, I like to limit myself to highlighting some interesting ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 04-04-2024 07:33 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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There have been reports and papers on the failures of two cascading earthen dams that were breached and eventually washed away in 2020. There is a 2022 FEMA Report on the 2020 Michigan two-Dams Failures. The series of six dams in the region were built in the period between 1912 and 1925 – long before ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 04-03-2024 03:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Thanks Bill – for posting the link to this useful "aspirational" Guide Book. Perhaps like many others – I was not aware of it. Had the opportunity to download it. I see that you were one of contributors – no wonder you have interest in promoting it. It's a neat handy book that one can always refer ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 03-21-2024 09:37 AM
Found In Egroup: Environment, Coasts, Oceans, & Infrastructure
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Thomas, apart from Bill's suggestion, assuming that you are looking for international titles, here are some more: Springer – Aquatic Ecology Taylor & Francis – Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Wiley – Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem Ecosciences ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 03-15-2024 01:06 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Some very useful and practical advice from John Bolger. Long gone are the days when 'On Good Faith' and 'Gentleman's Agreement' used to define business deals and interactions. One still says it, but rarely means it. It is not because he or she have not developed rapport – but because people ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 03-12-2024 10:30 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Many interesting discussions on this thread – thanks Christian for initiating it. Indeed, public hostility or untoward reactions to CE projects – translated to disciplines, takes different colors – some are visible in terms of outright annoyance, frustration, even name-calling; others are ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 03-07-2024 09:52 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Heidi, Bill: Sorry that I could not respond earlier. Thanks for trying to rescue me. The movie was the 1988 "Stand and Deliver" How could you pinpoint Heidi? A movie that was made about 35 years ago - the year I came to the US to begin my PhD program. Best, Dilip ------- Dr. Dilip ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 03-07-2024 09:51 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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"Engineers fail today because they cannot rid themselves of the past experiences and designs that made them successful, but which no longer have relevance on the changed playing field." I would say that such a cognitive bias is not only with Engineers, but with every one of us – in our professional, ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 03-02-2024 09:22 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Something to think about on the facts presented by Dr. Bill Hayden: 60% of engineer's projects fail, by falling short in meeting one or more requirements for scope, schedule, or budget . . . Rarely are the failures initially due to technology, but instead due to engineers never being educated "How to ...
Posted By Dilip Barua 02-21-2024 05:17 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Wow! This topic energized many - and it is great to see many lively discussions from both the employer and employee sides (not that we should see things from such a side-wise perspective). We have discussed this issue quite a while ago but with different headings. There again, Dr. Bill Hayden was the ...