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Mr. Tsee Lee

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Mr. Tsee Lee

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1 to 20 of 50+ total
Posted By Tsee Lee 07-12-2022 05:05 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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It's hard to think of a more political topic than current Supreme Court decisions. SCOTUS is not a scientific body and it is not involved in any scientific debates on climate change. And whether the US Government has a right to protect the environment has no bearing on whether engineers should prepare ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 07-11-2022 02:29 PM
Found In Egroup: Integrated Buildings & Structures
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Are you trying to prepare for an interview, to apply for jobs, or something else? I know some firms will train newbies with undergrad degrees, and others that don't want to do so. You may not learn what is relevant by studying by yourself, especially where local codes and practices are a big part of ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 07-11-2022 02:29 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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The problem is not that climatologists have ignored or forgotten about tectonic activities. Geologists in California and Washington would've reminded them in a heartbeat. The problem is that even taking such factors into account, there is still sea level change due to changing climates. Just like ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 07-01-2022 10:05 AM
Found In Egroup: Horizontal/Subsurface Infrastructure & Transportation
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Another issue with the delegation of infrastructure responsibilities to localities is that it makes each decision body less experienced, as they can only work on projects in their own areas. One of the reasons that infrastructure projects take so long and cost so much in this country is that it takes ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-30-2022 10:06 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Tino above brought up a good point, which is that some professional organizations demand requirements that are similar to licensure. It also shows how difficult it is to come up with one rule to satisfy every scenario. I'd like to point out that the world can't run on licensed engineers only. Unlicensed ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-26-2022 11:11 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I agree that it's a purely political and economic issue. It has even less salience to the engineering profession than how best to respond to changing climates. ------------------------------ Tsee Lee, A.M.ASCE General Services Administration New York, NY ------------------------------
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-26-2022 11:11 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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A fact that no climate scientist would challenge. To state the obvious, the problem climate scientists--and obviously ASCE--have with climate change is that the losers will easily outnumber the winners in quantity and magnitude. Do you accept that global warming has many harmful implications? --- ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-25-2022 09:22 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Politics is competition. Economics is competition. It doesn't matter what system a nation has in either sphere. That's why there are winners and losers in any country. That is why the struggles can be so vicious. If you look to the rest of the animal world, you'll find something similar. Intra-species ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-25-2022 09:21 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I agree with a lot of what's been said in this thread. One thing I'd disagree on is the need for engineering schools to teach to the test. The best schools I've attended never taught to any exam. If they did, the teachers and professors did a great job of hiding what they were doing. Can you imagine ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-24-2022 03:29 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Just got an ASCE email regarding the Society's opposition to President Biden's gas tax holiday proposal. Since I haven't seen anyone raise the issue in this thread, I'd like to bring it up for discussion. Do you support or oppose this political engagement? ------------------------------ Tsee Lee, ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-23-2022 10:17 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I don't believe that "iceball Earth" and NYC's thousand-foot ice happened at the same time. I've read that the city was under twice that much ice at the peak of the last (current?) ice age. Will we ever know the depth of the ice half a billion years ago? Also, Snowball Earth is, as far as I can tell, ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-15-2022 09:27 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Climate science is not political unless deniers want to make it so. ------------------------------ Tsee Lee, A.M.ASCE General Services Administration New York, NY ------------------------------
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-15-2022 09:21 AM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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Seek new opportunities with your current employer. If you find yourself still restless, start looking, even if you end up staying. Then you may have fewer questions about what-ifs. Keep your resume current. It'll remind you of your victories and what you enjoy. ------------------------------ Tsee ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-10-2022 10:44 AM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Ah, so we have no problem with ASCE forums quoting anti-climate science speeches by Republican Senators, but we have a problem with ASCE speaking on the necessity of designing for climate change. ------------------------------ Tsee Lee, A.M.ASCE General Services Administration New York, NY -- ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-09-2022 03:46 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Seems like we're arguing about settled scientific matters. Evolution is not politics, is it? Global warming, WTC collapse...these are not political or mostly not even engineering issues but opponents are bringing them up in this thread. ------------------------------ Tsee Lee, A.M.ASCE General Services ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-09-2022 03:46 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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"The free market didn't create poverty, selfishness, or disparities in wealth between nations" Those are the results of competition, in capitalist AND communist nations and worlds. ------------------------------ Tsee Lee, A.M.ASCE General Services Administration New York, NY -------------- ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-09-2022 01:19 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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Climate change or designing for climate change isn't a political issue. Opposing efforts to deny climate change, such as the inability of civil engineers to use words like "global warming" and "sea level change" in certain parts of the US, should be some of the basic things ASCE does. ----------- ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-07-2022 11:22 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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I agree with that. I don't expect the free market to fix what the free market created though. Almost all the engineers I know who used Android phones are, as they gain seniority, switching to the manufacturer you're referring to. ------------------------------ Tsee Lee, A.M.ASCE General Services ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-07-2022 04:04 PM
Found In Egroup: Career By Design
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So true. It's stuck in my mind James's mention of a 6-month job transition. It just so happened that 6 months, I think to the day, after I received that job offer, that I accepted another offer. So I think the advice to keep interviewing is spot on, and certainly leave on good terms if possible. It's ...
Posted By Tsee Lee 06-07-2022 03:32 PM
Found In Egroup: Professional and Career Topics
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The world is going digital. Websites are moving from the password model, starting with the next iPhone. Only in (some parts of) America is broadband internet access still considered a luxury service. ------------------------------ Tsee Lee, A.M.ASCE General Services Administration New York, NY ...