See matching posts in thread - Thursdays @ 3 - Setting expecta...
Thank you to @Lynn Mayo, @Steven McCutcheon, and @Christopher Medora for sharing your insights on mentoring during today's Thursday @ 3 virtual roundtable
See matching posts in thread - Project Planning Question During Thursda...
We had a great conversation on today's Thursday @ 3 - Shifting Interview Practices for a Virtual Setting
See matching posts in thread - Thursdays @ 3 - Starting your o...
Thank you to @Michael Howell, @Karen Jehanian, @Joseph Rozmiarek, and @Susan Morrice for joining the panel today on starting your own engineering firm. This was such a fantastic conversation! I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts and perspectives. We had some great questions we weren't able...
Regarding the first question, at times, the expectations were not aligned because one of the persons was not really listening. When meeting with the mentor, the mentee can always ask the mentor if it is okay to set a timer say 10-15 mins for him/her/them to describe the problem/issue without...
On question 2 there is a definite need for experienced mentors in ASCE Mentor Match especially to address whether to concentrate long term on technical expertise, management, or a combination of both usually 2-3 years after beginning a career in CE to 1-5 years after licensure
I enjoyed being part of the virtual roundtable with @Steven McCutcheon and @Christopher Medora. Regarding the first question, I think a mentee needs to identify what they want from the mentor and clearly indicate that. They should then ask if that aligns with the mentor's expectations. If the...
Great, Project planning takes effort dedication and good communication. -- Carlos Escotto S.M.ASCE Project leader Miami FL --