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Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

  • 1.  Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-25-2018 09:49 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-25-2018 09:48 AM
    I am curious what programs other structural engineers prefer to use when creating calculation sheets for repeated use. I have used Mathcad extensively for calculations in the past and have thought that it works beautifully to create re-usable, well-documented calculations. However, I realize that many other engineers use and prefer programs such as Tedds or Excel spreadsheets. What are your preferences for creating calculation sheets?

    Ethan Maust EIT, A.M.ASCE
    Indianapolis, IN

  • 2.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:38 AM
    Hi Ethan!

    I usually use Wolfram Mathematica, but is almost the same as MathCad. However, sometimes I prefer to use excell for simplicity.

    Fabricio Ortiz

  • 3.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:39 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:38 AM
    well in Nepal most of us prefer to use Excel sheets and they are really easier to understand. I am not sure whether it is faster or not but its obviously loved by every engineer here in Nepal

    Niraj Sapkota S.M.ASCE

  • 4.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:40 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:39 AM

    For regular design purposes, there are mainly two options:
    1. Commercially available software e.g. Tedds, Prokon, etc.
    2. User developed programs (or in-house programs) e.g. Excel, MathCad, etc.

    Each have their own advantages and dis-advantages.

    The commercial software are well validated and uses up-to-date code provisions but they come with certain limitations - you can not customize them to suit your atypical design scenarios. Of course, these come with license fees.

    The user developed ones can be customized to suit any number of scenarios but before you use them - you need to (prepare them and) validate them; and complex program development takes time before its ripe. Also, if any code provision changes -  you need to go back and re-work on the program. Also, you need to work on the security part of the in-house item in order to make sure that they do not get corrupted.

    Arunangshu NathSarkar, CEng MICE | CEng MIE (I) | M.ASCE
    Senior Structural Engineer

  • 5.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:41 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:40 AM
    Ever since computers were introduced in Nepal and engineers started using them, leaving slide rules and then manual calculators and then the electronic calculators behind, I have been using excel to prepare cost estimates. For colleagues like you it may sound strange that I didn't even know that other programs existed and could be used to prepare cost estimates and similar calculations.
    So excel is the only program I use and know about.

    Peter Singh M.ASCE
    Managing Director
    Kingdom Designers

  • 6.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:41 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:40 AM
    I have used Excel or equivalent for decades and have over 200 spreadsheets.  I can take a thumb drive of my spreadsheets to nearly any office and find a computer to use them.

    David Kittridge P.E., M.ASCE
    Principal Eng
    Maitland FL
    (407) 647-8457

  • 7.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-29-2018 03:17 PM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-29-2018 03:16 PM
    I use Tedds and write my own calculations in Tedds for Word. There is no commercial software that does what I want to do. I used to use MathCad and Excel, but Tedds is better. Tedds allows user created dialogs with data checking, so you can be certain that you update every variable for every new engineering situation.

    MathCad Prime did not implement many functions that I needed at first, and I was unable to translate most of the Mathcad sheets that I had developed to Mathcad Prime. In Excel, it is too easy to put the wrong formula in, and no easy way to tell if it is wrong or if someone changed it. In both Mathcad and Excel, it is easy to forget to update a variable leading to incorrect answers.

    BTW, Tedds for Word links to Excel, so for problems which are better solved in spreadsheet form, I can link them into my Tedds sheet.

    William Kirkham P.E., S.E., M.ASCE
    Director MCE Program
    The University of Kansas
    Overland Park KS

  • 8.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:41 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:41 AM
    ​EXCEL is the preference in our office due to its simplicity of use and editing.  We usually create a spreadsheet and then send it to other engineers for their critical review and input.  ENERCALC is another tool that performs most of your everyday tasks and it is updated frequently.

    Alex Rochell P.E., M.ASCE
    Coral Gables FL
    (786) 543-4263

  • 9.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:41 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:41 AM
    Here in India we mostly rely on Excel sheet for the calculation because of its simplicity to use, create and formatting without having much knowledge about programming.

    Mohan Bhalme S.M.ASCE
    Structural Engineer

  • 10.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:43 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:42 AM
    Excel can be integrated with Mathcad.  So you can use tables and programs embedded in your worksheets.  Excel does not handle units and that is its major downfall.  Mathcad is a blank slate that allows you to program or not program as much as you want.  I don't have experience with Tedds and do not feel the need to migrate to it because Mathcad serves most of the functions I need.

    Chad Morrison P.E., M.ASCE
    Professional Engineer
    Greenville RI


  • 11.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:43 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:43 AM
    ​I prefer Excel, it is easier to reduce the amount of paper to be printed, that also comes with Office eliminating an additional software license. Mathcad is more intuitive and self explanatory, but it will produce a document with too many pages. I know Mathcad for researchers and students is probably the best option to learn, but on the Engineering companies; Excel is used more than Mathcad.

    Roberto Nava Cuellar P.E., M.ASCE
    Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
    5281 41626756

  • 12.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:44 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:43 AM
    I have used all and I like them all for certain aspects.  I think the readability of mathcad is the best out of the 3 however I use excel the most.  My reason behind this is because its what everyone in my office knows and has access to.  If I do work on a problem in a program during design and someone else takes over the project for some reason, I want to ensure that the individual can take advantage of the work I have already performed.  Also, if I am away from the office at a meeting or on a construction site I can access these calcs on my phone and make changes on the fly based on field conditions or changes made during meetings.

    Justin Kordas EIT, A.M.ASCE
    Design Engineer
    McNamara Salvia Structual Engineers
    Boston MA

  • 13.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:44 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:43 AM
    We at our office mostly use Tedds/Mathcad. Tedds has a more professional look when when you use Tedds for word. I had used Excel in my previous workplace. Off the three my preference is Tedds.

    Ashraful Alam P.E., M.ASCE
    Project Engineer
    W-T Structural Engineering, LLC
    Hoffman Estates IL

  • 14.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:45 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:44 AM
    Here excel is being extensively used for computational purposes . As u know, changing a particular value of a part changes the result completely hence excel is used. And it is also easy to understand for us in future.

    Praveen Anand S.M.ASCE
    Chennai TN

  • 15.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:46 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:46 AM
    I use Mathcad for our company design calculations that we run for our different projects. Mathcad allows for nice a flow and able to keep the units neat and orderly. Also with the many functions within Mathcad allowing to insert different files, such as excel to help with data control is a nice feature. 
    Excel is nice for data collection, but the downside to it is making sure to keep all the units straight and conversions applied to each cell for a calculation. 
    Mathcad is helpful that it keeps the units and has the ability to convert between different design processes (US to Metric) with ease. From all of the built in features, Mathcad is a great tool to use for calculating/analyzing structures and structural members.

    Timothy Lang EI, A.M.ASCE
    Staff Engineer
    Elkhart IN
    (574)533-0337 EXT 109

  • 16.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 10:47 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 10:46 AM

    I try to use Excel exclusively.  I find that Mathcad does not show the constituent numbers of equations easily.  Only the variable names are automatically shown.  This makes Mathcad sheets more difficult to document and check.  In Excel, we setup sheets that have all formulas built to the right of the result.  We wrote macros to format cells with plus signs, minus signs etc so that the calculation looks like a hand written calculation that can be checked.  By doing it this way, we avoid Excel "black box" formulas hidden in cells.  All of our sheets have calculations essentially written out in long hand and documented as you would a hand-written calc.

    Brian Brenner


    Direct: 857-415-3912

    226 Causeway Street 6th Floor Boston MA 02114-2155 US

    Brian Brenner P.E., F.ASCE
    Sharon MA

  • 17.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 11:16 AM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 11:15 AM
    ​My company uses Mathcad extensively for structural design.  We rarely use Excel for calculations, the formulas are hidden and not as easy to work with.

    We have created many worksheet templates.  I find Mathcad useful for individual calculations and rarely do any by hand on paper.  It's just too easy to revise and reuse Mathcad worksheets.  One revision on paper takes time while Mathcad recalculates on its own.

    Lawrence Tabat P.E., S.E., M.ASCE
    ARCADIS U.S., Inc.
    White Plains NY
    (914) 641-2830

  • 18.  RE: Tedds/Mathcad/Excel - Preferences?

    Posted 06-26-2018 12:03 PM
    Edited by Tirza Austin 06-26-2018 12:03 PM