ASCE INSPIRE 2023 - Conference

Infrastructure Innovation & Adaptation for a Sustainable & Resilient World

As our world expands through innovation, technology, and in population, civil engineers have a renewed call to action: Ensure that the built environment is safe, dynamically resilient, sustainable, future-ready, and adaptive to changing climate conditions. Join conversations on the most pressing issues in infrastructure and BE INSPIRED!

We invite you to join us!

Future-ready infrastructure involves nature-based design and technological advancements in materials, energy use, and system-to-system communication and adaptive planning and management capabilities that respond to the risks from increasingly interconnected infrastructure. Understanding and adapting to risks such as changes in the earth’s temperature, increasing frequency of natural hazards, and the impact of sea level rise drive the need for civil engineers to design and build equitable, smart, hazard-resilient, people-centric engineering projects.

As the United Nations and governments across the globe are implementing requirements and regulations for public and private entities to disclose carbon impacts, civil engineers will be ready to respond, helping to mitigate carbon emissions, and respond to the demand for resilient infrastructure and community designs.

Why Attend?

ASCE INSPIRE 2023 offers an opportunity to connect with, share knowledge, and learn from experts actively bringing the future to life. Plenary speakers, technical sessions, local tours of engineering projects, and the Hall of Inspiration will have you nothing short of INSPIRED.


The ASCE INSPIRE 2023 Call for Abstracts is open! 

Learn More About How to Submit an Abstract

Starts:  Nov 16, 2023 09:00 AM (ET)
Ends:  Nov 18, 2023 05:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Career By Design
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