Hi Hala,
I also took my FE exam before the quarantine. I kind of glad that I did since I know the FE Reference Handbook 9.5 is good up to June 30th, 2020. The FE Reference Handbook 10 will be the new handbook for people taking the exam after June 30th. I know a lot of my friends are studying hard and getting familiar with the 9.5 version. They are afraid they will have to use the new version in their exam.
I know is kind of troublesome, but maybe a good recommendation is to take some time to compare these two versions and see the differences between them.
Here is a link for latest updates from NCEES:
Good luck to everyone that is planning to take the FE or PE exam. Stay safe!
Julian S. Valencia A.M.ASCE
Utility Engineer
Houston, TX
Original Message:
Sent: 04-23-2020 10:49 AM
From: Hala Abdo
Subject: What happens now? PE and FE Exams!
Luckily, I took my FE in the beginning of March, before this COVID19 quarantine got really serious and shut down test centers.
For people who were planning to take their exams this year, I advise you to take a look at this ASCE news interview with Tim Miller, director of exam services for NCEES and share your questions and recommendations on how to manage this time being while looking forward for the test in the future.
Stay safe everyone.
Hala Abdo A.M.ASCE
Centreville VA