Civil engineers who shared their experience and advice in “Explore Engineering Careers in Public Agencies” responded to 6 questions we didn’t get to during the live roundtable discussion. Today we feature their answers to the last in this series of 6.
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Today’s question: What publications do you read to keep current on information related to your job? (Answers are based on individual experiences and are not necessarily representative of practices at all public agencies.)
Greg DiLoreto, P.E., P.L.S., Pres.13.ASCE
Retired CEO from Tualatin Valley Water District (OR)
Even though I am retired, I still am involved in public works in the Portland metro area, as I am the chair of my City's Transportation Citizen Advisory Board, vice-chair of the County's regional wastewater and stormwater agency citizens advisory board, and a member of the Portland Public Schools Bond Accountability Committee (even though I do not live in the PPS District). As such I am still reading professional publications, which include Civil Engineering, APWA Reporter, AWWA Executive Director message, and articles posted in ASCE's Smart Brief. Because of my work with ASCE's Committee on America's Infrastructure, I receive daily from ASCE a clipping list of all articles related to ASCE and infrastructure and I will pull articles from that list to read.
Kristina Swallow, P.E., Pres.18.ASCE
Director, Nevada Department of Transportation
I read a LOT but not any particular publications. I monitor social media for links to articles that are of interest – support my thinking or challenge it. I also read broadly – articles that are directly and indirectly related to the work I’m doing, articles about social issues and areas of interest, personal development books and articles, and recreational reading – fiction, non-fiction, etc. Reading for work ensures you stay fresh on your technical expertise and reading more broadly ensures you stay current with our communities as they evolve and helps you connect with stakeholders, colleagues, and others.
Brian Phan, P.E., M.ASCE
Transportation Engineering Associate, Los Angeles Department of Transportation – California
Anything that ASCE produces!
Jarred Jones, P.E., M.ASCE
Executive Director, North Charleston (SC) Sewer District
There are many magazines piled in my office waiting on time to review. Many are wastewater related such as Municipal Water and Sewer, Water and Waste Digest, WaterWorld, Water Environment, and Technology, etc. I also read Civil Engineering Magazine and the PE Magazine. I also read the local paper on a daily business to keep up with local issues and politics.
Edith Martinez-Guerra, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE
Research Environmental Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers- Engineer Research and Development Center
I get several virtual magazines from ASCE and SWE. I also do some research online when I’m interested in a specific topic.
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Becky Waldrup P.E., M.ASCE
Senior Manager, Professional Activities
American Society of Civil Engineers
Reston VA