I also attended the same university for both undergrad and graduate schools. It was the height of the recession, and my decision was ultimately due to many of my older friends coming back to school due to being laid off and many of my current classmates (and myself) being unable to even get interviews for positions after graduation. I already knew that my university was offering an NSF funded graduate program that would mean I could potentially not have to pay a cent for the degree, very few people were applying for it, and I took a chance on being able to get the graduate degree for free and work on research with a professor I already knew and respected.
The graduate degree was a huge boost for my marketability, and I did very well with the program. Honestly, for myself, going to the same school allowed me to be more involved with building relationships with underclass-mates and professors that I maintain to this day, allowing me to remain involved with the engineering department there. The comfort level I already had with the school meant I did not have to spend time re-building as I would have at a new location. I suppose I would have benefited in other ways by going to another school, but staying in the area also created the events that led me to settling within two hours of the university, meeting my wife, and building the family and career I now hold dear.
Whether you remain at the same school or move on to another one for a graduate degree, it is ultimately up to you to make the most of your time there. If your undergraduate school offers a great grad-program for your chosen career, but another school has just as good a program, then really its up to what your comfort level is on making the move. In the end, making sure that you're getting the most out of the program, doing your best while you're there, building relationships that you can maintain after school, those are all things you should do regardless of which choice you make.
Lawrence Simonson PE,M.ASCE
Senior Engineer
Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. (BLE)
Greenville, SC
(864)288-1265 EXT 262
Original Message:
Sent: 06-03-2019 09:43
From: Luis Duque
Subject: Undergraduate and Graduate School at the Same University
With students graduating last month, I want to start some discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of attending both undergraduate and graduate school at the same university. I personally attended both at the same university and in my experience, it was a great decision as I already knew the professors and was able to get a great research project. Some people see this as the "easy" option but there is nothing easy about a graduate degree. I was able to perform at a higher level and digest the topics easier as I knew the teaching style of the professors. I have come to realize that the learning starts from within, the greatest engineers don't necessarily come from the best universities, but are forged by a personal desired to learn and succeed in this profession.
In your opinion is it a good idea to attend undergraduate and graduate school at the same university? Why or why not?
Luis Duque EIT,A.M.ASCE
Structural Engineer
Broomfield CO