It's been almost four months since Teacher Appreciation Week. At my universities, this holiday week is held way too close to the final exams, leaving the students without any time to leave any appreciation for the professors, besides the surveys regarding the classes, and the professors' handling of them.
My mother is an elementary school teacher, so I have heard how teachers are unappreciated not just in terms of when this week is situated, but in terms of how much our society needs teachers to educate its youth, and how little teachers are paid for what that work entails. Does that seem to continue up the ladder for becoming say, a Civil Engineering professor?
Alexander Granato A.M.ASCE
Bexley OH
Original Message:
Sent: 05-01-2022 11:19 AM
From: Alexander Granato
Subject: Teacher Appreciation Week (2022)
Another month has come and gone. With it, new holidays come and go too.
This week (May 1st to May 7th) is Teacher Appreciation Week, a holiday that seems to get little recognition, just like the workers it celebrates, among our communities. Are any of you professors for Civil Engineering classes?
Alexander Granato A.M.ASCE
Bexley OH