Hi Abhilesh,
My name is Marur Dev, P.E. and I own a small engineering firm in Southern New Jersey.
We are always looking for Interns in Structural Engineering. You can contact me privately and I will help to with your endeavor
Warm Regards,
Marur Dev P.E.,Aff.M.ASCE
Preferred Property Engineering
Marlton NJ
Original Message:
Sent: 10-14-2019 16:24
From: Abhilekh Prasai
Subject: Summer Internship-International Student
This is Abhilekh Prasai a graduate student at the University of Maryland. I started this fall and being an international student can intern next summer. I would love to know about other structural engineers experience during this phase i.e how you approached looking for internship and when would be the best time? The best thing is I have worked as a structural engineer but back home for about 4 years. Do you think this will help me get an internship easily? And also how do I look for internships position? Do I need to search them online or what would you suggest?
Thanks in Advance.
Abhilekh Prasai S.M.ASCE
Graduate student
College Park MD