Discussion Thread

  • 1.  Student chapters plans for Fall 2020

    Posted 07-29-2020 09:22 PM
    My experience as a student member can be summed with all the interactive programs, annual competitions, and friendships I made. 

    Yet, I am concerned about how fun and beneficial the students' experience will be affected by COVID-19 this fall. 

    The chapter I am mentoring in Jordan and was part of already launched its First Virtual Research Competition for the year 2020, also mentioning that this event is done on an annual base for the third time. All pre-contest seminars were turned into webinars, the mentoring meeting will be online and all submissions will be soft copies. 

    If you are a student, share with us your future thoughts on how your chapter can be organizing the fun experience I had while going virtual.

    On the other hand, any others are welcomed to join the conversation for ideas. 

    Hala Abdo, E.I.T, A.M.ASCE
    Road and Drainage Engineer in Training
    FAM Construction - Fairfax, VA

  • 2.  RE: Student chapters plans for Fall 2020

    Posted 07-31-2020 09:43 AM
    Hi All,

    I am a student chapter president as well as a newly added ASCE Student Ambassador (yay!). My chapter and I are struggling with this same problem. We have plans to continue to host our regularly scheduled biweekly meetings where we welcome a speaker from the profession, although these will be converted to an online format. We are hoping that this allows some amount of normalcy for our more senior members, and allow incoming members to get a glimpse of how things will be when (hopefully) this all blows over. This of course is not a perfect substitute, but we hope that our members find ways to benefit from this difficult situation. 

    We are also hoping to utilize other online means of hosting "social outings". This may be by using an online streaming platform where the group can join in and essentially watch a movie together. 

    As for our competitive teams such as concrete canoe, this is where we are stumped. These teams of course are extremely valuable to our members, and we want to offer the best experience we can, but it will be a very different year for sure. Please do share ideas!

    Elizabeth Myers S.M.ASCE
    Ohio University
    ASCE Student Ambassador

  • 3.  RE: Student chapters plans for Fall 2020

    Posted 08-12-2020 05:32 PM

    My name is Matthew Jacobson and currently serve as the Past-President of the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona ASCE Student Chapter in addition to an ASCE Student Ambassador. 

    Our Student Chapter is still planning on hosting a majority of our events such as meetings, student mentorship programs, social and professional development events. We are currently working on determining the best way to engage with our members outside of events, such as emails, newsletters, or other messaging platforms such as Microsoft Teams or Slack. We hope to use our website as the main communication method and post all related updates there. You can take a preview of what we have in store for fall at cppasce.org/fall-2020.

    Hope some of this helps and wish everyone safety and health during these difficult times.



    Matthew Jacobson EIT,S.M.ASCE