Discussion Thread

  • 1.  Preserving Productivity (And Sanity!) While Working From Home

    Posted 05-11-2020 02:11 PM
    I am personally on week 9 of working remotely and while it was a bit of a transition in the beginning, I have learned to adapt to this new way of working. One of the most important things that has helped my productivity while working remotely was making sure I take some time daily for a walk or another form of exercise. While in the office, I typically utilized my lunch break to get out of the office, so now while working remotely I have incorporated this by either going for a quick walk around my apartment complex either at lunch or right after work. 

    What have you been doing these past few months to preserve your productivity while working remotely? 

    To further this conversation, ASCE held a panel on this topic a few weeks ago. The recording can be viewed on ASCE's YouTube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuN44AWQ8EU

    Danielle Schroeder EIT, A.M.ASCE
    Associate Engineer
    Pennoni Associates
    Philadelphia PA

  • 2.  RE: Preserving Productivity (And Sanity!) While Working From Home

    Posted 05-28-2020 05:15 PM
    Hello Danielle,

    While my work had been remote, I performed those same strategies: I took breaks after about an hour of work for walking, a chore, or a meal.

    I performed similarly during my time taking classes remotely, so all in all, I reconfigured my life to be as similar to pre-pandemic weeks as I could, given my rising needs for isolation and communication completely through technology.

    Alexander Granato S.M.ASCE
    Bexley OH